Amiga Format CD 42
Amiga Format AFCD42 (Issue 126, Aug 1999).iso
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961 lines
1 slrn
slrn - An easy to use NNTP based newsreader.
slrn [ -n ] [ -h nntp-server-name ] [ -f newsrc-file ] [ -
create ] [ -C ] [ -help ]
slrn is an easy to use but powerful NNTP based newsreader.
It relies extensively on the S-Lang programmer's library for
many of its features.
If no server is specified on the command line using the - h
option, the server specified by the NNTPSERVER environment
variable will be used. The -f option specifies which newsrc
file should be used. If none is specified, a default value
of JNEWS.RC will be used. This value can be set on a server
by server basis using the SLRN.RC initialization file.
The -create option should be used the first time slrn is
used for a particular server. This causes slrn to read the
entire list of groups available at the server and place them
in the selected newsrc file. If the NNTP connection is
slow, this process may take several minutes. Fortunately,
this happens only when the -create flag is used.
If -C is specified on the command line, the terminal is
assumed to support colors. Colors may be specified by using
the initialization file. If the -n option is present, no
new newsgroups will be checked for. This may result in a
faster startup.
Using slrn is simple. For many, simply typing slrn will
connect to a news server. After starting, slrn checks for
the existence of new newsgroups and automatically subscribes
to them. Then after new news is checked, slrn goes into
``full screen'' mode at which point the user can unsubscribe
to one or more groups. slrn will display a list of news-
groups that looks like:
-> 3 sci.research.postdoc 689-705
1 comp.databases.olap 1-1
4 rec.antiques.radio+phono 1-4
1 comp.emulators.ms-windows.win 339-349
113 comp.unix.questions 74401-74513
11 gnu.ghostscript.bug 4874-4884
100 alt.music.pink-floyd 7941-8040
11 rec.sport.baseball.analysis 239-249
3 rec.sport.baseball.data 267-269
13 sci.physics.electromag 1159-1171
65 comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.systems 4754-4818
5 sci.physics.particle 1069-1073
2 comp.sources.x 2362-2363
2 comp.unix.user-friendly 2603-2604
Here the middle column shows the name of a newsgroup and the
left column shows the number of unread articles in the
group. The right column shows the range of articles present
on the server. Note the presence of the -> in the first
column on the `sci.research.postdoc' line. This symbol is
used by slrn as a pointer to indicate the currently selected
line. It may be moved up and down by using the arrow keys.
Pressing the RETURN key or the SPACEBAR at this point will
select the `sci.research.postdoc' group. A new screen will
appear showing something like:
->- 703 (P) Lecturer in Comp.
dumontet@nuri.inria.fr (dumo
- 704 Research & Developnment
dumontet@nuri.inria.fr (dumo
- 705 Re: Example of proposal
Here, each line consists of four fields and possibly the - >
cursor. The first field indicates whether the article has
been read or not. A hyphen ( - ) in the first field indi-
cates that the article has not been read. Since a hyphen
appears in the first field in all three of the lines above,
none of the articles have been marked as read. A d in this
field indicates that an article has been read. The currently
selected article can be changed from the read to the unread
state by pressing the u key. The d key may be used to mark
the article as read without actually reading it. The c key
may be used to mark all the articles as read (Actually this
is the preferred way to use the newsreader: scan the arti-
cles by eye looking for something interesting then before
moving on to next newsgroup, press `c' to mark all articles
as read).
The second field displays the server number of the article.
The third and fourth fields contain the subject and author
of the article, respectively.
Pressing the SPACEBAR or the RETURN key will create a second
window and display the contents of the currently selected
article. The screen will now consist of two windows - a
large one and a small one. The large window, known as the
article window, will contain the currently selected article
and the small one, known as the summary window, will contain
the list of articles as shown above. The space bar may be
used the scroll the article forward and the DELETE key or
the `B' key may be used to scroll it backward. The UP/DOWN
arrow keys simply move the - > cursor from one line to
another in the summary window. To hide the article window,
press the h key.This will zoom the summary window to full
The f key may be used to post a followup to the currently
selected article. To return to the list of Newsgroups, press
the Q key to leave this mode.
These keybindings are always available: These keybindings
are always available:
? Help
PageUp Ctrl-U
Page up
PageDn Ctrl-D
Page down
Suspend program
These keybindings may be used at the newsgroup level:
SPACE Select articles for the current group.
UP P Move to the previous group
DOWN Move to the next group
q Quit the program
p Post an article
l Toggle the display of groups with no unread articles
on and off
L Toggle display of unsubscribed groups (can also sub-
scribe with this)
u Unsubscribe from the current group
s Subscribe to the current group
c Mark all articles in the current group as read.
a Subscribe to a specified group
/ Search for a subscribed group
G Refresh groups from news server
X Save .newsrc
ESC > Move to last group
ESC < Move to first group
The following bindings are valid once a newsgroup has been
SPACE Select or scroll currently selected article forward
Scroll currently selected article backward
d Mark currently selected article as read and move to
the next unread article.
u Mark the currently selected article as unread
# Numerically tag the article for multiple save (see o
g Skip to next digest
h Hide the article window by zooming the summary win-
dow to full screen
Ctrl-^ Decrease the size of the header window by one line.
^ Increase the size of the header window by one line.
f Post follow-up to the currently selected article
F Forward the currently selected article to someone
r Reply directly to the author of the currently
selected article
o Save the currently selected article or thread to a
file in a Unix mail format by appending it to the
the specified file, then optionally decode the arti-
cles with uudecode or unshar. If numerically tagged
articles (see # ) are present, then optionally save
and then decode the tagged articles. The built-in
uudecoder can decode